Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monsoon offer from Guruvayurappan!

     'Thath thavath bhathi sakshat.....hantha bhaagyam janaanaam'!
       Radhekrishna! Now a days it is world of commercial offers. People announce and advertise certain offers for their products. But our Lord gives His offers unannounced. It always comes as a surprise. We had to go to Chalakudy to attend a Radha Kalyanam at our cousin's place. Having gone that far we thought of visiting Guruvayur also after the function. We had planned to leave Chalakdy by 3 pm so that we can reach the temple when it opens for the evening darsan and we can join the senior citizen queue to have our darsan. But we could start only by around 4 pm.
     Incidentally the bus took a long time to reach and we reached by  6 pm. Throughout the journey I was worried that we might miss the senior citizen time. If we reach past that time then we would have to stand at the general queue for god knows how long. Now and then it was raining. After checking in and a quick wash I rushed to the temple with lots of misgivings. As I entered through the Bhagavathi nada and reached in front of kotimaram I saw that ladies queue was empty at the front. Hoping that the queue was kept blocked at the back I rushed towards the west side. People were standing lighting the lamps. I entered the gate and rushed forward. To my dismay not a single person was in the queue. 'Oh have they already closed the ladies queue' I thought but hesitatingly went to the small gate and asked the security standing there whether I can cross and get into the queue row on the other side. 
     To  my delight he pointed his hands forward and I rushed in to the queue path. But there also not a single person was to be seen. Again I had misgivings that I may not be let inside from the front. Anyway I proceeded to the front side chanting Krishna! Krishna! aloud. As I reached the barring gate the woman security guard who was standing there opened the gate for me and I joined the general queue. I was very happy with this surprise gift and moved inside with the surging crowd to have the sweet darsan. As I moved along I could get glimpses of His form and at last reached to a comfortable position from where I could have good darsan of the Lord. Luckily the person just before me stood there for a long time and so I was also blessed with the divine vision for some time. As I walked out of the sanctum I saw the ladies queue path empty. So again rushed inside for a second score. 
      I could just walk in to join the general queue and suddenly I felt I saw somebody familiar going in front. I stretched my head and peeped but couldn't see properly. As I neared the sanctum  I turned my attention towards the deity and was enjoying the beauty of His form. Just as I reached in front of the sanctum some nampoothiri came for darsan and so the blocking chain was put to block our further movement and we were 'forced' to stand in front of the Lord for a few minutes. I was thrilled with this surprise offer of the Lord. As I moved away rounding the sanctum I saw Sri Muralidhara Sharama, one of the prime disciples of mahan Sri Sri Krishnapremi swamigal. I rushed to him and said Radhekrishna anna!He was also very much delighted to see me there. We talked and moved out, circumbulating the temple. It is really a great gift today to have the darsan of the Lord along with a bhaktha, I thought. He said he was going back by the night train and so I accompanied him to his place. It was drizzling slightly.
      As we were walking along one Mr. Kannan who is an old acquaintance accosted me. He was accompanying an old Nampoothiri. He introduced him to us as the one who had served as melshanthi of the temple twice. I was thrilled to meet a person who has touched and petted the Lord with his hands. I touched his feet to seek his blessings.He started narrating one of his experiences with the Lord. Murali anna and myself stood listening to him for sometime. Then as it was time for Murali anna to leave we bid him bye and proceeded. 
        After seeing Murali anna off myself and my husband returned to the temple. I preferred to sit in the western corner of the temple while he decided to circumbulate the sanctum. Some people were sitting there. It was quiet there and I sat watching people moving about. It was about 'athazha puja' time and the nice aroma of neyyappams being offered to the Lord was coming from inside. I was very much tempted by the smell and wished if I could get one neyyappam then. But I knew I had little chance as I hadn't booked for one. Then suddenly a man carrying a big parcel walked towards our side. Talking to a man sitting towards my left side he took one appam from the parcel and offered him. Then took another one and offered to the person sitting next to him. I was watching him openly when he suddenly turned and offered one appam to me too. I silently accpted it. It took me sometime to realise the divine intervention. It was raining intermittently and then it came to my mind - isn't it all Krishna's monsoon offer? 
       Suddenly I felt Krishna is very close to me for He knows what runs in my mind. I found myself talking to Him intimately.  I was interrupted by my husband who came after a good darsan. As we were sharing the appam we could see people lighting the lamps for the Seeveli. As the crowd was very thin the man was calling out to people to join the lighting ceremony. We also felt blessed and joined them. We were happy we could light some lamps at least. Then we came out and stood watching the procession of the Lord. It is really fantastic to watch  little Unnikrishnan coming on the elephant. You need thousand eyes to see that. No words to describe the experience! We were immersed in the shower of His grace as well as the rains. Body and mind were cooled and we left for our room. 
     We changed into dry clothes and got into the comfort of warm bed. Early morning I went to the temple by 5 am. It was just like what some corporate companies announce - walk in interview! There was no booking or waiting! We could just walk in to see the Lord. I was enjoying this special offer too! I could go round and round a number of times to have the darsan. As I came near the front suddenly the door closed for some puja.  I felt little Kicha loves me so much that he is reluctant to send me away. He made me stand in front of Him for half an hour. I felt I was in the heavens. What a grace my Lord! I could chant Krishna Karnamritham and some Periyazhvar pasurams to Him. He was listening to me very very patiently. What love He showers! The door opened and arathi was done to the Lord. I could see everything very close. I came out contented and sat at the western corner chanting, as my legs ached. 
      Little later my husband also joined me there. Then somebody showed us a notice of a Bhagavatha thripaksha (45days) yajna being conducted at Venkatesa temple guruvayur. So we thought of going there. First we went to Narayanalayam to offer our pranams to Poonthanam's Unnikrishnan and Sadgurunatha. As we came out we met another acquaintance who suddenly asked us - 'why don't u people go and have prasada lunch at the temple. there is no crowd at all there. This is a rare chance for you. do go'. We were surprised at his suggestion. It was not even lunch time then. Still we decided to go there. We never knew that a free lunch was also included in the Lord's offer!!!!He is always full of surprises as you know.
       After such a heavy lunch we could only go to our room and sleep. We got ready in the evening and proceeded to the temple. It was raining heavily then. The rains were no more disturbing us as we realised it was His showering of grace! We got into the senior citizen queue and waited till the sanctum opened. We had very good darsan again.As usual we sat in the western corner watching people moving about, chanting. From somewhere we could hear Srimad Bhagavatham being read. Thinking that there must be some Bhagavatha sapthaha going on in the first floor. We went there and were happy to join the Bhagavatha sapthaha group. It was closing time so we sat till the end and again came down. After one or two circumbulation we again sat at our cosy corner. It was time for the daily Narayana namajapam in the mandapam. As my legs were aching I didn't go up instead sat there listening to the namajapam. Then an acquaintance from Narayanalayam saw us and asked us to come up. 'Please do come up and join the chanting. I will give you prasadam'. We had no other way but to go up since we felt it was Guruvayurappan himself who is insisting us to chant His nama there. So we went up and sat there for a few minutes. A big sweet packet was given us as prasadam. We were wondering at the intermittent showers of the Lord's grace just like the rain showers going on outside. Why does He want us to join the sapthaham and the namajapam? Isnt it purely His karunyam? And he was very particular that we got our prasadam gifts also intermittently. Then I realised this is His monsoon showers of grace. 
       It was drizzling again and we crossed the showers to get another darsan from the Kotimaram view point. We got a very comfortable place but the curtain was drawn. So we had to wait there for a few minutes till it was raised and lo! There He was all smiles after His dinner, very much pleased and again ready for further showers of grace. Then we decided that we would have our dinner at the temple itself if possible. Immediately I saw a local woman who is very much known to me. When I asked her how to get dinner at the temple she volunteered and took us through some staircase to the dining hall. She peeped inside and talked with somebody. A few minutes later we were let inside. They had kept the leaves served with rice, chena curry, pulissery and pickles. It is the system there. The serving is done only once. We started having our food. But midway I found the curries had exhausted and only rice was remaining in my leaf. How can I eat mere rice? I wanted to ask somebody but my husband deterred me from that saying it was not proper since it was not in the system. I couldn't eat plain rice and didnt know what to do. Just then a young nampoothiri carrying a mug of pulissery passed in front of me. I called out to him for pulissery and he immediately served me smiling. Then my husband also had some more from him.
       We came to our room after the heavy dinner. The last but not the least was when my husband accidentally checked the sms of our ticket. We had originally planned to leave by 3-30 next day evening. But to his dismay he found the ticket was for 3-30 am next day. Miraculously transportation was arranged to take us to the station at 2-30 at the night and we were comfortably seated on our seats! 
        Turning back I find all that happened including our return was all well included in Guruvayoorappan's monsoon offer. He has lots and lots of offers throughout the year for all seasons. He is always ready with His unlimited grace. Only we have to realize His grace and enjoy that. Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna!